Canadian Public Policy
Analyse de politiques

The June issue is available.

On a trial basis until the end of 2024, the Journal will accept submissions in which at least one author is affiliated with an institution that holds a subscription. 
(This suspends the journal's longstanding policy of requiring a personal subscription or membership in the Canadian Economics Association, which purchases a group subscription.)

Call for abstracts

Rose Anne Devlin
Qiongda Zhao

CPP/Adp Referees of the year

This year the Editors decided that two reviewers stood out as Referees of the Year. Rose Anne Devlin of the Department of Economics, University of Ottawa, has been a friend of the journal for many years and has helped us promptly with some especially challenging manuscripts. Qiongda Zhao of the Department of Economics, Justice and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University provided particularly careful and thoughtful reports in the past year. We thank them both, as we thank all our referees.

Vanderkamp Prize 2023

The winners of the Vanderkamp Prize of $2000 for best article in 2023 are Jennifer Winter, Brett Dolter, and G. Kent Fellows for their paper Carbon Pricing Costs for Households and the Progressivity of Revenue Recycling Options in Canada vol 49(1) pp. 13-45, March 2023.

This paper is available in open access.

Impact factor : 3.143

The Clarivate two-year impact factor for CPP/Adp in 2022 was 3.143.

Journal Google Scholar page 

Along with the Canadian Economics Association, the journal co-sponsors the Mike McCracken Award for Economic Statistics to recognize theoretical and applied contributions to the development or use of economic statistics in Canada. The prize is in part supported by a generous contribution in 2017 by the McCracken family. 

Aims and Scope

Since 1975, Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques has been the foremost peer-reviewed journal examining economic and social public policy issues in Canada. It is directed at a wide readership including policy researchers, decision makers and advisers in governments, businesses, unions, non-government organizations and universities. CPP  is available in print and online.

From the beginning the journal was intended to be multidisciplinary.  It was founded as a separate charitable organization by the Canadian Economics Association with other sponsoring organizations the Canadian Political Science Association, the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, the Canadian Association of Geographers, the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, and the Canadian Association for Business Economics.